Parish Life
Sunday Mass:
SATURDAY – 5:30 pm
SUNDAY – 9:00 & 11:00 am
Daily Mass Schedule
Holy Communion Service
Reconciliation (Confession) Times
We encourage our parish members to participate in the various ministries we have here at St. Mary of the Angels. Please keep in mind that to volunteer you MUST have your Safe Environment Training up to date.
Eucharistic Minister
A Eucharistic Minister is a lay person who assists the priest in administering the sacraments of Holy Communion, the consecrated bread and wine. They may also take the sacraments to those who are ill, or otherwise unable to attend Mass.
The term "lector" or "reader" can mean someone who in a particular liturgy is assigned to read a Biblical text other than the Gospel. Please note new lectors must be trained before being scheduled.
The Choir leads the congregation in song and contributes additional music as the liturgy or pattern of worship requires. To join our Choir please contact Choir Director Chris McConnell at 928-367-2080.
Altar Servers
Altar Servers are a very important part of the Liturgy as they assist the priest on the Altar during the Mass and Holy Days throughout the year. Boys and girls who have received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion serve in this Ministry. Since Vatican II, it has become more a Ministry of the youth, both male and female.
St. Mary of the Angels is enriched by the presence of those who are active in our many ministries and groups. We offer many opportunities to serve our faith and local communities in ways that match your interests, your gifts, your talents, and your schedule. Please click the following link to register for opportunities of involvement in the life of our parish.
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus members work together to empower Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work, and in their community.
The Knights of Columbus meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Joseph Family Center. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 11th, at 7:00 p.m.
For more information regarding membership with the Knights of Columbus, please get in touch with Jim Giger at 928-242-9604.
Knights of Columbus Officers:
St. Mary of the Angels Council #7912 Officers for the 2022-2023 Fraternal Year:
† Grand Knight –
† Deputy Grand Knight – Tim Williams
† Chancellor – Jack Pence
† Financial Secretary – Jim Giger
† Recorder – Greg Spieler
† Advocate – Larry Ratcliff
† Warden – Nelson French
† Inside Guard – Open
† Outside Guard – Jerome Dorlac
† Trustee – Jose Garcia
† Trustee – Open
† Trustee – Open
To connect with St. Mary of the Angels Knights of Columbus visit our Facebook page!
Parish Pastoral Committee
The purpose of the Parish Pastoral Committee is to support the community life of the parish; to assist parishioners in organizational matters and to bring the Church closer to its members by listening to their concerns.
Members of the Parish Pastoral Committee:
- Knights of Columbus Grand Knight
- Madonna Guild President
- Parish Administrator
- St. Vincent de Paul Administrator
- Ex-Officio: Pastor
Parish Financial Committee
The Parish Financial Committee performs an essential role. The Committee is a tremendous assistance to the Parish Pastor in administering the temporal goods of the Parish. It is a necessary assistance to the Pastor.
Members of the Parish Financial Committee:
- Mike Caruth
- Jane Chavez
- Don Dodge
- Greg Smith
Parish Library
The Madonna Guild lending library is permanently located in the St. Joseph Family Center (SJFC). There are over 600 items in the collection, available for checkout. The complete catalog is listed below.
While we are in the SJFC for Masses in the summer, the library will be open for you to view the collection and/or check out items. A librarian will be on hand to help you checkout or renew your selection for two weeks. There is a basket between the bookcases for returns and for donations of spiritual books.
In the Fall and Winter when we are in the Church for Masses, there will be a library table in the lobby where you will be able to review the library catalog. There will be a library request forms for your use. After the Masses, a librarian will fill the request and leave the item on the table for you to retrieve the next weekend at your Mass.
The library is still accepting your donations of spiritual books and DVDs. You may use the return/donation basket for your drop offs.